Chart a SEA Change


Together, we are working to protect,
restore, unite, and promote the Indian River Lagoon
coastal community of east central Florida,
one of our Earth’s rarest and most
valuable natural treasures.







Abstract Submission Open for the 5th Annual LID Conference!

We are making some changes to the Low Impact Development conference this year, including soliciting abstracts for platform presentations. If you have a project that aligns with the theme of project implementation and topics of interest, we want to hear about it. Follow the link below to find out more about the conference.

Looking to make a bigger splash? Exhibitor and Sponsorship registrations are now open.

Low Impact Living has launched!

Low Impact Living builds on the principles of sustainable land development (Low Impact Development) by adding individual action. We’re employing education, empowerment, advocacy, and demonstrations to encourage Lagoon-friendly living on all scales: individual, family, community, and municipal. Check back as we add more information, resources, and tips-and-tricks to the website. 

2024 Indian River Lagoon Report

The Report is an annual health assessment of the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) and is the evolution of the Marine Resources Council (MRC) Report Card, first published in 2016. This year, MRC scientists gathered data from partner and government organizations to assess five Lagoon health indicators: harmful algae, seagrass coverage, sediment health, wastewater spills, and water quality.

2024 MRC Low Impact Development (LID) Conference

Ted Moorhead, Lagoon Legend

Ted Moorhead was the first Legend of the Indian River Lagoon. Our Lagoon House is named after Ted, who dedicated his life to protecting the Indian River Lagoon, work that we strive to continue every single day. Click to watch Ted tell his legendary story!

Ted Moorhead Video

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