2022 MRC Low Impact Development Conference
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Low Impact
Green Stormwater Infrastructure
The October 2022 MRC Low Impact Development Conference was a fantastic demonstration of community commitment and excitement as over 150 attendees worked in 23 planning teams to prioritize how to revise and update land development regulations and building codes to accommodate the use of Low Impact Development (LID) and Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI).

On the first day of the conference, Dr. Eban Bean of the University of Florida and Ms. Lesley Bertolotti of The Nature Conservancy presented and facilitated a group workshop, guiding attendees through a new audit tool funded by the FDEP that helps identify areas of existing building codes and land development regulations that could be modified to accommodate LID/GSI. Teams worked together to answer 40 questions about community issues and public support for the implementation of innovative stormwater tools.
Senator Debbie Mayfield began day 2 of the Marine Resources Council LID Conference examining the Clean Waterways Act and the need to achieve water quality improvements by improving stormwater management, requiring wastewater upgrades, septic tanks, and source controls. She was followed by Virginia Barker, Brevard County Natural Resources, who presented the update on the statewide Stormwater rule required as part of the Clean Waterways Act.
2022 MRC LID Conference Resources
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LID+GSI Community Scoping and Code Audit Tools
Eban Z. Bean, PhD, PE, Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist
Agricultural and BiologicalEngineering Department, University of Florida
Lesley Bertolotti, Sustainable Communities Program Manager
The Nature Conservancy
Intro to LID+GSI Community Scoping and Code Audit Tools
LID+GSI Community Scoping Tool Workshop
A Code Audit Tool for Florida Counties and Municipalities
CSE Summary and Next Steps Open Discussion
Critical Winter Haven Code Update Every Municipality and County Should Consider
Devon Moore, Environmental Scientist, Natural Resources Department
City of Winter Haven
Winter Haven’s LID/GI Implementation
From Gray to Green: Enhanced Stormwater Permit Design Manual
Alachua County Stormwater Treatment Manual: Great Example of Adopting LID Into Code
Shane Williams, PhD, PE, Stormwater Engineer
Alachua County Environmental Protection Department
Clean Waterways Act Stormwater Provisions: Importance of SB 712
Virginia Barker, Director
Brevard County Natural Resources Management Department
Overcoming the Challenges of Green Infrastructure
Chris Bogdan, UGI Business Development Manager
Ferguson Waterworks
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Ferguson Waterworks is driving sustainable product innovation and helping customers achieve their sustainability goals. As a company, we embrace the opportunity to extend a hand, leave our mark and help build a better world.
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Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) understands customers care deeply about the environment and not only want affordable, reliable power, but also clean energy today and in the future. That’s why we go the extra mile to protect the air we breathe, the water and land we use, and the plants and animals that share our planet.
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Streamline Technologies (SLT) is a software development firm specializing in integrated 1d/2d surface water and groundwater modeling. Our flagship product, ICPR, is a nationally accepted hydraulics model by FEMA for NFIP applications and is used for modeling complex urban stormwater management systems, natural riverine systems, interconnected pond and lake systems, green infrastructure, and highly managed water resource systems. ICPR also powers our new Real-Time Flood Forecasting (RTFF) system used to predict flooding at the street and house level 2–4 days in advance.
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