2023 MRC Low Impact Development Conference



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Going Gray to Green

The MRC 2023 Low Impact Development (LID) Conference, held on October 19–20, was a significant gathering of experts, professionals, and stakeholders dedicated to promoting 21st century sustainable stormwater management practices, Low Impact Development, and Green Infrastructure. The event featured a diverse agenda, with insightful presentations and discussions led by renowned experts. Below are resources and key highlights from the conference.

2023 MRC LID Conference Resources

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Right BMP, Right Place: BMP Selection

Eban Z. Bean, PhD, PE, Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist
Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, University of Florida

Many factors go into selecting the right type of BMP for a project. These aspects and how to evaluate them against various options will be presented for creating successful projects.

Gray to Green with BMPTRAINS: A Tool for Permitting & BMP Credits

Martin P. Wanielista, PhD, PE, Professor Emeritus
College of Engineering & Computer Science, University of Central Florida

Increase the use of green infrastructure with current regulations.

Gray to Green with ICPR

Pete Singhofen, PE, Founder and CTO
Streamline Technologies, Inc.

It can be a daunting task to go from gray to green on a roadway redevelopment project with fifty or more individual BMPs of varying types, all hydraulically interconnected, with many that depend on percolation. How effective will the overall green system be for pollutant load reductions with so many complex interactions? And let’s say the load reductions are great, will the redeveloped roadway flood? This session will demonstrate how ICPR can be used to model not only the hydrology and hydraulics of these systems but also water quality aspects such as pollutant load removal efficiencies.

LID+GSI Code Audit Tool Update: Breaking Down Barriers

Eban Z. Bean, PhD, PE, Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist
Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, University of Florida

Updating codes is one of the best ways counties and municipalities can facilitate implementation of LIG+GSI. Results of recent LID+GSI Code Audits for multiple local governments in the region and across Florida will be shared. Updates and new directions for the tool will be presented as well.

Planting Considerations for Green Stormwater Infrastructure

Claire Lewis, Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program, Interim Director
Statewide Florida-Friendly Communities Statewide Coordinator, UF/IFAS

Using the right plant in the right place is critical to the success of GSI because the system may include a variety of zones, depending on the type of GSI, including a dry slope, a littoral shelf, and deep water.

DEP GSI Initiatives and Funding Opportunities

Nathan Jagoda, Environmental Administrator, Springs and Water Restoration Program
Division of Water Restoration Assistance, Florida Department of Environmental Protection

The Role of LID in Meeting the Requirements of the Statewide Stormwater Rule

Evan Shane Williams, PhD, PE, Stormwater Engineer
Environmental Protection Department, Alachua County

The presentation covers the requirements of the Statewide Stormwater Rule that may be ratified by the Legislature in the next session, and the role LID can play in meeting the rule requirements.

Overcoming Construction Challenges for Green Infrastructure Practices

Chris Bogdan, Green Stormwater Infrastructure Manager- South
Ferguson Waterworks

As GSI BMPs become more common for stormwater treatment, it is essential that they function properly during their design life. Successful projects begin with successful installations. The presentation will provide guidance to designers, contractors, and owners to ensure the GSI BMP is built properly so it functions as designed from day one.

Filling the Maintenance Gap: GSI Maintenance Training and Tools

Eban Z. Bean, PhD, PE, Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist
Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, University of Florida

Maintenance is the key to long-term performance of stormwater infrastructure. The University of Florida recently released a GSI Maintenance Training Program to fill the gap with maintenance of GSI. Aspects for designing with maintenance in mind and an overview of the training tools and resources will be presented.

Permeable Paver Design, Construction and Maintenance Update

Kevin Earley, Director, Commercial Hardscapes
Oldcastle APG a CRH Company

The use of concrete permeable pavers in parking lots, alleyways, driveways, and even municipal roadways is well established as an effective way to alleviate flooding, reduce stormwater runoff and provide pollutant control benefits. As the use of permeable pavement expands throughout Florida, design professionals should be aware of the latest industry best practices to ensure long-term performance. This presentation will describe how PICP systems are designed, constructed, and maintained, highlighting several Florida projects. An industry update on the latest maintenance research will be provided along with information about ASCE’s Design Standard 68-18, Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement, and ASTM C1781, Standard Test Method for Surface Infiltration Rate of Permeable Unit Pavement Systems.

A Sustainable Tomorrow: Past, Present, and Future: A Case Study of Babcock Ranch

Amy Wicks, PE
Wicks Consulting Group

Babcock Ranch pushed the forefront of innovation and sustainable design in a time when sustainability was no more than an up-and-coming buzzword. Today, Babcock Ranch continues to push innovation focusing on sustainability, water quality, energy, and technological advancements. In late September of 2022, Babcock Ranch faced a true test of resiliency, passing through the eye of Hurricane Ian. Through their initiatives, Babcock Ranch suffered minimal damage, while much of the surrounding area was left entirely devastated and without clean drinking water. Babcock’s initiatives do not stop with their success story, however, as the community continues to innovate to prepare for environmental changes and create not only a safe environment for today, but a city for tomorrow as well.

shaping a more sustainable future

The 2023 Low Impact Development Conference was a resounding success, providing attendees with valuable insights, practical knowledge, and a platform for networking. It reinforced the commitment to sustainable stormwater management practices and the adoption of green infrastructure solutions to address contemporary challenges. Participants left with a deeper understanding of the role they can play in shaping a more sustainable future. We hope you will join the LID movement and participate in the next conference. Please stay tuned in for updates by subscribing to the MRC E-Newsletter.


Fun Photos from the 2023 LID Conference

Fun Photos from the 2023 LID Conference

Thank You Sponsors
& Contributing Partners

Ferguson Waterworks

Title Sponsor • Exhibitor • Presenter

Ferguson Waterworks is driving sustainable product innovation and helping customers achieve their sustainability goals. As a company, we embrace the opportunity to extend a hand, leave our mark and help build a better world.

Streamline Technologies

Sponsor • Exhibitor • Presenter

Streamline Technologies (SLT) is a software development firm specializing in integrated 1d/2d surface water and groundwater modeling. Our flagship product, ICPR, is a nationally accepted hydraulics model by FEMA for NFIP applications and is used for modeling complex urban stormwater management systems, natural riverine systems, interconnected pond and lake systems, green infrastructure, and highly managed water resource systems. ICPR also powers our new Real-Time Flood Forecasting (RTFF) system used to predict flooding at the street and house level 2–4 days in advance.

Oldcastle APG a CRH Company

Sponsor • Exhibitor • Presenter

Oldcastle APG a CRH Company. From stadiums to outdoor kitchens, we lead the industry in quality and drive the design trends that affect how people live in residential and commercial spaces. Our exterior products work together to create the inviting outdoor spaces people need to connect, reflect and recharge. And our commitment to climate positive innovation means you can enjoy your one-of-a-kind yardscape while treading lightly on the planet.

Florida Power & Light Company

Breakfast Sponsor

Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) understands customers care deeply about the environment and not only want affordable, reliable power, but also clean energy today and in the future. That’s why we go the extra mile to protect the air we breathe, the water and land we use, and the plants and animals that share our planet.

Indian River Lagoon National Estuaries Program


Indian River Lagoon National Estuaries Program. Looking at the full scope of the IRL, the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program (IRLNEP) works to ensure the IRL is the healthy heart of connection between six counties, 38 cities, 1.6 million people, an economy valued at $7.6 billion annually, and more than 40% of Florida’s East coast.

Carroll Distributing Company

Reception Sponsor


Beverage Sponsor

Cutwater Spirits

Beverage Sponsor

Turtle Coast Sierra Club
University of Florida IFAS

Presenting Partner

Florida Stormwater Management Academy

Presenting Partner

Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Presenting Partner

Alachua County of Environmental Protection

Presenting Partner

City of Titusville
Florida Board of Professional Engineers

Contributing Partner

Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association

Contributing Partner

City of Palm Bay

Presenting Partner

County of Martin

Presenting Partner

Hilton Melbourne Beach Oceanfront

Lodging Partner

The Marine Resources Council of East Florida, Inc. (MRC) is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve water quality and to protect and restore the fish and wildlife resources of the Indian River Lagoon, coastal waters, inshore reefs, and the watershed by advocating and using sound science, education, and the involvement of the public at large. MRC’s Federal Tax ID Number is 59-3030066. Contributions to MRC may be eligible for a tax deduction in the U.S.A.; please consult your tax advisor for eligibility.