Regional Sponsorship Opportunities

You can make a big difference in the health of the Indian River Lagoon when you become a Regional Sponsor.

These Sponsor and Naming Opportunities Support Our Work to Restore the Indian River Lagoon!

Sponsor a Mangrove

Sponsor a Mangrove: $150

Have your family, business, or loved one’s name inscribed on a leaf of our mangrove tree at the Lagoon House.

Contact us for details.

Personalized Lagoon House Paver

Personalized Nursery Paver: $250

Leave your mark in our Palm Bay mangrove nursery with a personalized message on a muck-crete paver.

Contact us for details.

Sponsor Lagoon House Bench

Lagoon House Bench: $500

Enhance the Lagoon House atmosphere with a custom bench. Indoor and outdoor seating are available for naming/dedication.

Contact us for details.

Sponsor Lagoon at Noon Seminars

Lagoon at Noon Lecture Series: $2500

Our monthly lecture series is a staple in our science communication efforts to bridge the gaps between experts and the public. 12-month naming opportunity available.

Contact us for details.

Sponsor Low Impact Living Garden

Low Impact Living Garden: $25,000

Our native garden at the Lagoon House is just one way we showcase environmentally-friendly living to visitors, combining local beauty with educational opportunities. 5-year naming opportunity available.

Contact us for details.

Sponsor the Lagoon House Ais Exhibit

Lagoon House Ais Exhibit: $50,000

Help us expand our educational reach and amplify Lagoon voices with a new exhibit on the Ais people in the Lagoon House. 5- year naming opportunity available.

Contact us for details.

Sponsor Lagoon House Mangrove Nursery

Lagoon House Mangrove Nursery: $75,000

Mangroves are at the heart of our shoreline resilience work. Our nursery provides educational opportunities for visitors and plays a vital role in living shoreline restoration. Naming opportunity and 5-year sponsorship plan available.

Contact us for details.

Sponsor an MRC Internship

Endowed Student Internship: $100,000

Internships provide important opportunities for students to gain professional experience, build connections, and develop other soft skills. One $100,000 endowment will permit a $5000/year stipend.

Contact us for details.

Sponsor Lagoon House Education Center

Lagoon House Environmental Education Center: $200,000

Public education is at the heart of MRC’s mission, and having a space to host students, community groups, and business is essential. Naming opportunity and 5-year sponsorship plan available.

Contact us for details.

Sponsor St Sebastian Greenhouse

St Sebastian Nursery Greenhouse: $250,000

Picture a one-stop-shop for living shoreline restoration. That’s what we envision with the expansion of our Sebastian nursery. Naming opportunity available.

Contact us for details.

Your Financial Support Makes It Happen!